The renovation ahead

I thought I'd share a bit more of my Mock Tudor with you today. Looking at these pictures, you will see I have quite the renovation job ahead of me. I doubt very much if I'll start on it before the new year though. You know how it is, once we reach the first of December it's all downhill to Christmas and New Year! For me, December is a time to focus on family and reflect on the past year (not too much though, better to look to the future, rather than the past!) and think about all your hopes, dreams and ambitions for the next year. It's about baking cookies, lighting candles, spending time with the kids and just taking it slow for a while..... wait.... I'm loosing track here! Back to the house!!

I've started working on furniture and accessories for the bedroom, will share that with you next time. I've also joined a miniature and dolls house club where I'm hoping to learn lots more on the topic, as I'm a bit of a novice as you might know!

So without further a-do, here are the photos:

The exterior will need a proper painting, and there are damage to the roof I will have to fix.

There's no front door, oh and no stairs inside. 
Also some water damage where the door should be.

The interior will be the most work. 
I plan on removing all the old wallpaper and flooring, 
and replace it with new wallpaper, paint and maybe carpets.
I'll see as I go along. 
Lots of water damage here too. 

I've removed all the curtains, will make new ones.
I need to figure out how to remove that mirror, as it seems
to be stuck with superglue!!
Oh, and I'm not fond of all the lamps and light fixings currently
in the house, just not sure how to get rid of them either!

Of course I had to see what my miniature paintings would look like in the house!
I quite like it. 
What do you think? 


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